
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

  1. Form: A Journal of Psychology article is the result of research in the field of psychology.  Submissions should be in the form of a typewritten manuscript with MS Word Arial font size 11, 1.5 or 2 line spacing, A4 page size, and a length of 10-25 pages (2000-8000 words).  Submit the article using the online process.
  2. Structure: The article structure should include title, institution, abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion and bibliography.
  3. Title: The title should be concise and describe the content of the article. May use the title of creative and attract readers.
  4. Name of the author and institution: Full names should be written without titles, and the institution where the authors work / study should also be included.
  5. Abstract: The abstract should be written in two languages, Indonesian and English. It must be single spacing, 150-200 words, and include the following information: objectives, research subjects, methods, and results.
  6. Keywords: Should consist of 3-5 words, and can be taken from research variables, characteristics of the subject of research and/or theories referenced.
  7. Introduction: This should include an explanation of the phenomenon on the ground or the comparison between theories that will be studied, related research and findings, formulation of the problem, the objectives and benefits of the research, a theoretical / conceptual explanation of the relationship / influence between variables until the formulation of hypotheses (for quantitative research), or research question (for qualitative research).
  8. Research Methods: This section describes the research variables, which includes the number of researchers, subjects, and relevant characteristics such as age and origin of the research subjects. Descriptions of instruments employed, their validity and reliability (in the case of quantitative research) and interview and observation methods (in the case of qualitative research) should also be included.
  9. Results: description of research data including hypothetical and empirical,  results of the statistical analysis to answer hypothetical or a description of qualitative data to answered questions of research. Please follow the American Psychology Association (APA) style for formatting of statistical test results, tables, figures, and graphs.
  10. Discussion: This secion should contain an explanation of the results of the research, and their relation to the results of previous studies, including whether the findings support or conflict with existing research
  11. Conclusion: This section describes the research conclusions based on the results of the research and development discussion, as well as the theoretical and practical implications of this research.
  12. Bibliography: This section should be formatted according to the APA style. 
  • Book: Brigham, C. (1991). Social Psychology. (2nd ed.). New York: Harper Collins Publisher. Baron, R. A., & Byrne, D. (2003). Social Psychology. (10th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Article in Book: Harvey,LA. (1996). Account in.Manstead, A.S.R & Hewstone, M. (Eds). The Blackwell encyclopedia of social psychology. Massachusetts, Blackwell publisher. 
  • Article in journal: Dixon,T. L., & Linzs, D. (2002). Television news, prejudicial pretrial publicity, and the depiction of race. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(1), 112-136. 
  • Article in magazine: Setyarini, L (1997, 11-24 Januari ). Kiat praktis memilih TK. Ayahbunda, 01; 24. Article in newspaper Alkhajar, E.,N., S. (2007, Desember 31). Hiperrealitas dalam Kehidupan Nyata. Kompas. H. 2 
  • Translated book: Costanzo, M. (2006). Aplikasi Psikologi dalam Sistem Hukum. Penerjemah Helly Prajitno Soetjipto dan Sri Mulyantini Soetjipto. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar. 
  • Thesis/dissertation: Agung, I.M. (2008). Pengaruh Publikasi Pra Persidangan dan Status sosial ekonomi Terdakwa terhadap Putusan Hukuman. Tesis tidak dipublikasikan Fakultas. Psikologi UGM:Ygyakarta. 
  • Article from internet :Grönlund, K & Setälä, M. (2012). In Honest Officials We Trust: Institutional Confidence in Europe.. diterima 12 Februari 2012 dari ://

          Indonesian version, klik



Manuscript Submission Introduction: The Jurnal Psikologi is published by the Faculty of Psychology at the State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau and focuses on psychological research in Indonesia. It is published twice (online and print) a year (June and December). The Jurnal Psikologi gives various parties the opportunity to contribute to the dissemination of psychological research results, especially in Indonesia.

Manuscript Submission

Before submitting the manuscript, make sure you carefully read and comply with all guidelines and instructions for authors (see author guidelines). Following is online manuscript submission process:

  1. Using a web browser, access the Online Submission System Portal E-Journal of Psychology (
  2. The first author must have an account by registering as an author and/or Reviewers (tick role as Author) by clicking on the "Register" link or by using the following address: user/register
  3. Once logged in as the Author, click on "New Submission". Article submission consists of 5 stages, namely:
    • Start
    • Upload Submission,
    • Enter Metadata
    • Upload Supplementary Files
    • Confirmation
  4. In the Start section, select the Journal Section (Full Article), tick all the checklist options.
  5. In the Upload Submission section, please upload a manuscript file in MS Word format.
  6. In the Enter Metadata section, enter the data of all Authors and affiliates, followed by the title and abstract, and indexing keywords.
  7. In the Upload Supplementary Files section, one is allowed to upload suporting data files, cover letters, or other documents.
  8. In the Confirmation section, please click "Finish Submission" if all the data is correct.
  9. Upon completion of all, the article will be processed through the  online system (OJS)

Peer Review

Manuscript Submission Introduction: The Jurnal Psikologi is published by the Faculty of Psychology at the State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia and focuses on psychological research in Indonesia. It is published twice (online and print) a year (June and December). The Jurnal Psikologi gives various parties the opportunity to contribute to the dissemination of psychological research results, especially in Indonesia.

Publication Fee

During the processing of articles ranging from shipping, process and publication, the Jurnal Psikologi doesn’t require the author to pay an article-processing charge (in other words, this process is free of charge). For articles that are published, the author will receive one (1) copie of the Jurnal Psikologi. For articles that are rejected, the author will be notified in writing, and the article will not be returned except upon request.

Manuscript Preparation

The article is the result of research in the field of psychology. Manuscript typed in MS Word Arial font size 11 with 1.5 or 2 spacing, A4 paper, the maximum length of 25 pages. The manuscript includes the title, abstract Indonesian and English (typed single-spaced, 150-200 words), introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and bibliography. All manuscripts must follow the guidelines set out in the style of the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Journal policy prohibits an author from submitting the same manuscript for consideration by other journals and does not allow the publication of manuscripts that have been published in whole or in part by another journal.

Publication Agreement

The Jurnal Psikologi upholds academic integrity and ethics, and is consequently attentive to issues of plagiarism or misuse of articles published in other journals.  In addition, the journal editors are required to sign a statement that articles published are the journal’s own and have never been published in any other media publications or journals. For articles found plagiarizing another article or copyright infringement without permission, the editor reserves the right to revoke that article and ban the author(s) from publishing in any psychology journals.

Further information

Any correspondence, questions, and requests for additional information on manuscript submission can be emailed to the editors of the Jurnal Psikologi:



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.