Journal Title | : EL-Jughrafiyah |
ISSN | : 2808-2389 (Online - Elektronik) |
DOI Prefix | : Prefix 10.24014 by Crossref ![]() |
Editor in Chief | : Hendra Saputra |
Managing Editor | : Fatmawati |
Publisher | : Geography Education Department, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau |
Frequency | : 2 issues per year (February & August) |
Indexing |
El-Jughrafiyah : Jurnal Geografi dan Terapannya is an open access journal as a forum for publishing scientific articles published by the Geography Education Department of UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Articles published can be in the form of research results and the results of conceptual studies in the part of Geography and its application, the part of education and teaching of Geography, as well as the integration of Geography science.
The scope of El-Jughrafiyah Journal focuses on the parts of: 1) Interdisciplinary Geography including Social Geography, Physical Geography, Environmental Issues, Disasters, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing, and Regional Planning and Development; 2) Geography education and teaching; and 3) Integration of Geography with Islam. El-Jughrafiyah's contributors: Research and Applied Geography, Geography Education and Scientific Integration can come from academics, teachers, students, and practitioners working in the part of geography
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Posted: 2023-08-01 | More... |

Vol 5, No 1 (2025): El-Jughrafiyah : February, 2025
Table of Contents
Muhizzadin Abdul Adzan, Rendy Syahril Amanu, Panji Kuswanaji, Sayful Amri, Ogi Rahmawan Adi Saputro
Rafli Iqbal Taufiqi, Ardia Hafiz Alzahra, Khisom Adi Purwanto
Hadian Anditya Fandi Ahmad Syaifullah, Muhammad Arrayyan Zaky, Muhammad Alvin Muaffaq, Heni Masruroh
Muhizzadin Abdul Adzan, Pertiwi Risky Setyowati, Nining Baidila Sari, Imma Redha Nugraheni
Mohammad Reza, Sodikin Sodikin, Prabawa Eka Soesanta
Alan Krismo, Sofyan Sofyan
Getrina Putri Norma, Sukma Perdana Prasetya, Sri Murtini, Almegi Almegi
Muhammad Sultan Fathin, Yunus Susilo
zubaidi zubaidi, Yunus Susilo
Said Willya Putra, Aditya Saputra
Dedi Setyawan, Yunus Susilo