Zaharatul Aini, Fransiska Hutapea, Nurul Ramadhanie


The problem of traffic and public order on the Tanjungpinang City highway is in the spotlight by the government and society in general. Monitoring and supervision needs to be carried out in order to create public order and convenience. One of the surveillance systems that has been implemented in several areas of Tanjungpinang City is to use CCTV. But in reality there are still traffic problems such as traffic violations, whether in the form of a red light breakthrough, stop passing the stop line when a red light, not wearing a helmet and others, as well as traffic jams at some intersection points that are congested with vehicles. In addition there are still many people who do not know how the use and application of CCTV in traffic needs. This study aims to determine (1) Types of traffic surveillance CCTVs in Tanjungpinang City, and (2) implementation of traffic surveillance systems in Tanjungpinang City. This research was conducted at the Tanjungpinang City Transportation Department Office with the type of research using qualitative methods, while the data collection techniques were interview, documentation and observation. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the traffic surveillance system in Tanjungpinang City has not been implemented optimally. The implementation of this policy is aimed at the public, especially public road users with an indirect monitoring and supervision system or inside the CCTV monitoring room of the Tanjungpinang City Transportation Department.


Implementasi; CCTV Lalu Lintas

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