Al-Manar, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

author guidlines & submission

  1. Articles have not been published elsewhere.
  2. Manuscripts are to follow APA 5th Edition.
  3. Manuscripts should be typed in MS Word doc. Format, using 10 size Garamond, single-spaced on quarto (A4)-sized paper, 8-10 pages in length with one hard copy and soft copy in a CD.
  4. Articles will be reviewed by subject reviewers, while the editors reserve the right to edit the articles for format consistency without altering the contents of the articles.
  5. Articles are to be written in essay format.
  6. Non-research articles should include:
    1. Title
    2. Full name
    3. Abstract ( Bahasa Indonesia: 50-100 words) and key words
    4. Introduction (without headings)
    5. Contents (theoretical and or practical discussion)
    6. Conclusion
    7. References
  7. Research articles should cover:
    1. Title
    2. Full name
    3. Abstract (Bahasa Indonesia: 100-150 words) and key words
    4. Introduction (without headings) includes research question/s and purpose/s.
    5. Related literatures and theoretical framework
    6. Methods
    7. Findings and Implication
    8. Conclusion and Suggestion
    9. Bibliography
    10. Appendices


Manuscript should be sent to:

Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan syarif Kasim Riau