Dewi Mirantika, Siti Nurhidayah, Nasrudin Nasrudin, Sherly Rahayu


The low productivity and long harvesting period of local black rice causes this plant to be rarely cultivated by farmers in Indonesia. One way to increase the genetic diversity of black rice is by using gamma ray irradiation. This study aims to determine the genetic diversity and heritability value of M2 generation black rice resulting from gamma-ray irradiation. The research was conducted in February - June 2021 at the Screenhouse Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya. The genetic material used was black rice M2 generation resulting from gamma ray irradiation with doses 200 gy and PH5 as a control. The research was conducted in 2 experimental stages. The first experiment was in the nursery where M2 seeds were planted with 1000 seeds and 200 seeds for the control. In the second study, the M2 generation black rice mutant was planted with 250 seedlings without replication and the control 10 plants were repeated three times. The results showed that there was a chlorophyll mutation in the M2 generation lines which produced color variations including albino 0.5%, xantha 42%, viridis 5%, tigrina 0.5%, normal 52% at 21 HSS. The survival ability of the black rice mutant was smaller than that of the control. The heritability values in the broad sense of the high category and high genetic diversity were found in the number of productive tillers, the number of total grain, and the number of empty grain. M2 generation black rice irradiated with 200 gy gamma rays was able to provide a response of longer flowering time, narrower flag leaves, lower weight per plant, less filled grain, and increased number of empty grain compared to control (PH5).


chlorophyll, environment genetic, functional rice, productivity

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