Deteksi Gerak Menggunakan Kamera Pada Raspberry Pi Dengan Penyimpanan Data Cloud Storage

Valdo Franata, Erwin Setyo Nugroho, Yuli Fitrisia


Crime that happen anytime and anywhere requires a monitoring system to monitoring the
incident. Continuous monitoring would cost media storage, because recorded video will has big size. One
way to overcome this problem is to build a system using a webcam to record necessary moment. For
instance is when there was a movement in a moment/event. Therefore, a monitoring system that can
detect any movement in a room is needed. In this study, the problem can be solved by designing
monitoring system based Raspberry Pi. This monitoring system is created using Motion program. Motion
program handles motion detection and stream captured by camera, otherwise the system can also send a
notification when motion is detected via e-mail and upload recorded video to DropBox. In Testing process
is with different lighting conditions and distance, the system has worked 100% in bright light. In the dim
light at distance of 4 meters has 95% success rate and 83.3% at a distance of 6 meters, and in the dark
without light illumination has 0% success rate. Motion detection process is strongly influenced by light
intensity in the room.
Keywords: DropBox, Motion Detection , Motion, Raspberry Pi, Webcam

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