Informasi Keanekaragaman Batik Pulau Jawa Berbasis Android

Budi Utami Fahnun, Bangkit Hardiansyah


Batik is an invaluable asset of the country Indonesia should therefore be preserved, besides batik
should be protected so as not to be recognized and taken other countries. To preserve batik in Indonesia,
it requires good socialization to the entire community, especially the next generation of expensive art that
was not lost or recognized other countries. Diversity Java Batik is a lot of information not known by the
public so that sometimes people do not know if it is on the island of Java has a diverse batik. Of the above
problems, necessary applications to allow users to find the information diversity of batik, especially the
island of Java in a way that is easier to use android based mobile devices. In this paper discussed how to
create applications using the Java programming language and XML ranging from drafting to display coding
writing program
Keywords: Application Mobile, Android, Java, XML, Java Batik Diversity

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