Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Kerusakan Mobil MVP Berbasis Internet

Sunarti , ST, M. Kom, Wilda Susanti, Monang Adi Candra


Car transport is a very valuable tool for people to travel from one place to another. Frequent car
users difficulties when their car was damaged, because lack of knowledge of car users in
analyzing troubleshooting the car in general and there has not been available a proper system model in
providing solutions to the damage of the car. Expert systems is a solution to help car users in giving
knowledge to the car user in analyzing the damage of the car. Method of backward chaining and Method
of depth first search (DFS) is a method used to search the damage to the car.
The process of tracing the damage done to the car by using a rule-based. Designing a
knowledge base (knowledge base) is done by making a tree consisting of inference components, type of
damage and damage characteristic that describes the problem until they reached the conclusion and
solutions the car problems these are stored into the Database Management System (DBMS). The next will
be determined the weight of the response of each problem so that can be formulated the value of the
percentage of damage to the car.
Expert system is expected to perform toubleshooting process (problem solving) cars and can
provide solutions like an expert and can be accessed via the internet.
Keyword : Car, Expert System, Backward Chaining, DFS, Database Management System

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