Rekomendasi Diet Bagi Penderita Penyakit Diabetes Menggunakan Metode K-Nearest Neighbor

Fitri Wulandari, Fitri Insani, Nurismi Dhuha


Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes is the kind experienced by women during pregnancy. The
problems that arise in the treatment is to calculate the dietary levels of patients according to the exact
needs based on nutritional status and physical activity of patients. Hence made a decision support system
for dietary recommendations for patients with this disease to facilitate the patient's nutrition and calorie
counting is right, and combine various types of foods that are equivalent to the level of patient's diet. This
application uses the K-Nearest Neighbor method to calculate the appropriate dietary recommendations
and the combination diet for patients with this disease. Input data obtained from medical records of
patients with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and diets of data that comes with the amount of calories,
calculation is then performed by finding the shortest distance between the data before the data that will be
tested. From the calculation result of a food menu and menu recommendations replacement as
combinations of foods by the number of calories the patient.
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus Gestasional, K-Nearest Neighbor, Decision Support System

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