Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan dengan Metode Servqual dan AHP pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

Hetty Rohayani.AH, ST, M.Kom, Afrizal J, S.Kom


This research was doing to determine the service quality indicators. Where an indicator of quality
of service is a priority for improved by using a servqual method that includes five dimensions : Tangibles,
Reliability, Responsivenes, Assurance and Emphathy and methods Analitytic Hierarchy Process.
Is population information system service quality in the Department of Population and Civil
Registration Muaro Jambi regency was in a state of good, and the criteria which services are still needed.
Based on the analysis results with servqual method, all the indicators in the assessment of
service quality should be improved, in light of the AHP weighting obtained Empathy indicators that have
the highest level of service quality, while Tangibles is the highest indicator of quality of service should be
Key Word : the service quality, servqual, AHP method


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