Perancangan Sistem Berbasis Pengetahuan Untuk Mendeteksi Kerusakan Notebook Menggunakan Web

Wilda Susanti, M.Kom, M. Hasmil Adiya, ST, M.A.B, Okto Fenta Riandi


There are many problems can happen to Hardware and Software notebook, those problems can
be detected from various symptoms, however in order to know exact problem types, it needs an expert on
notebook troubleshooting. Meanwhile there are small numbers of notebook troubleshooting experts,
especially on remote areas. Therefore it needs a system that has ability of an expert on notebook
troubleshooting, whereby the system has notebook troubleshooting expertise about symptoms and
problems. This thesis designs an Expert System using Web-based application to help users in analyzing
the problem. The system uses Personal Home Page (PHP) as its web application language, and My
Structured Query Language (MySQL) as its Database Management System (DBMS). The benefits of the
Expert System to detect notebook problems are easy-to-use and easy-to-access whereby users are able
to access the system using mobile phones that support Internet technology.
Keywords: Expert System, Troubleshooting, Notebook, Database Management System.


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