Model Evaluasi Kinerja Pemasok PT XYZ dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process

Triwulandari S. Dewayana, Wahyu S. Dani


The results of the analysis of supplier performance evaluation model PT XYZ show that the
model has the disadvantage of only using two evaluation criteria and performed separately. The weakness
was led to the management of PT XYZ has a problems in taking decisions related to the performance of
suppliers. This research aims to design supplier performance evaluation model that is expected to improve
efficiency and effectiveness in implementation. The method used is Analytical Hierarchy Process.
Structure hierarchical model consists of four levels, namely objectives, criteria, sub-criteria and
alternatives. The proportion namely Quality (46%), Delivery (24%), Cost (8%), Response (22%), PACS
(45%), warranty Claim (11%), Quality Audit System (44%), kipping, stop line, stop variant (100%), Cost
down (100%), the response PACS (44%), the response FTIR (7%), the response Finding Audit (38%), and
the response kipping, stop line, stop variants (11 %). Verify the model shows that the model produces a
value corresponding predetermined assessment standards and can be implemented. Validation of the
model showed that the contents include the evaluation required by the customer; evaluation can be
conducted objectively; and sufficiently improve the efficiency and effectiveness in implementation.
Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process, model, performance evaluation, supplier

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