Nilai Eigen dan Vektor Eigen Universal Matriks Interval Atas Aljabar Max-Plus

Fitri Aryani, Tri Novita Sari


Discussion of eigenvalue dan eigenvector of a matrix has much to do. Matrix entries can be the
real, complex, fuzzy, and interval. This paper discusses the eigenvelue and eigenvector of interval matrix
over max-plus algebra. An interval matriks has universal eigenvalue and eigenvector. Universal
eigenvalue of an interval matrix is the eigenvalue of each The universal eigenvector can be found
by solving two-sided systems. For the eigenvalue is equal to 0 can use two-sided system
with and for all While the eigenvalue not equal to 0 can use two-sided
system with and for all .
Keywords: eigenvalue and eigenvector, eigenvalue and universal eigenvector, interval matrix, Max-plus

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