Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Mobile Kuliner (eMKUL) Menggunakan Location Based Service (LBS) Berbasis Android

Ramadhani Ramadhani, Benny Sukma Negara


Activity and mobility of human life is increasingly dense making information increasingly needed.
One of the important information needs for humans is the need of food/culinary. Culinary information
includes location information, menus, transactions, and route information (directions) the culinary.
Location-based information services have an important role to help people solve those problems. Location
based services (LBS) is a notion arising from the development of mobile technology, including technology
development of Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and wireless
telecommunication technologies (wireless).
Mobile culinary (eMKUL) is the application uses location-based services to help
people/communities to do culinary activity. Culinary activity mentioned is to search the culinary/restaurant,
see the route/navigation, showing the position of the nearest culinary, culinary menus and make
reservations. eMKUL applications built on the Android platform using the Java programming language.
eMKUL application is client applications. This application requires an internet connection and GPS to
maximize use of existing features in eMKUL. eMKUL testing uses Black Box and User Acceptance Test.
The test results provide the conclusion that all the features eMKUL can run well. eMKUL can help people /
communities to access location-based culinary information.
Keywords: Android, eMKUL, Location Based Service (LBS), Mobile Culinary

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