Call for Papers: August 2024 Special Issue

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce a Call for Papers for a Special Issue on "Digital Transformation in Information Systems Research and Practices" in Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa dan Manajemen Sistem Informasi. This special issue is scheduled for publication in August 2024. We invite researchers, scholars, and practitioners to contribute their innovative research to this exciting and rapidly evolving field. 

Background and Scope:
Digital transformation has become a ubiquitous phenomenon, revolutionizing the way organizations operate and interact with their stakeholders. Information systems are at the forefront of this transformation, serving as the backbone for technological advancements that drive efficiency, competitiveness, and innovation.

This Special Issue aims to explore the multifaceted dimensions of digital transformation within the realm of Information Systems. We welcome research papers that investigate the theoretical foundations, empirical evidence, practical applications, and emerging trends related to digital transformation. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
•    Digital business models and strategies
•    Emerging technologies (e.g., AI, blockchain, IoT) in digital transformation
•    Data-driven decision-making and analytics
•    Organizational change and digital culture
•    Digital ecosystems and platform-based business
•    Cybersecurity and privacy in the digital age
•    Sustainability and ethical considerations in digital transformation
•    Digital knowledge management
•    Digital innovation and entrepreneurship
•    Impact on society, economy, and public policy


Submission Guidelines:
Manuscripts should adhere to the guidelines provided on the website. Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous peer-review process, and acceptance will be based on their quality, relevance, and contribution to the field of Information Systems.

We look forward to receiving your contributions and fostering insightful discussions on the pivotal role of digital transformation in Information Systems research and practices. Together, let's explore the ever-evolving landscape of digital innovation.


Editorial Board