Efikasi Diri dan Kecemasan Kompetitif: Perbedaan Atlet Individu dan Atlet Bertim

Abdullah Fathur Rasyid, Hazza Nabila, Nada Fiyona, Fara Ulfa


Competitive anxiety of athletes has been investigated in over athletes and that has a negative impact on their performance. The present study examined the relationship between self efficacy and competitive anxiety and the type of competition (individual and team) differences on self efficacy and competitive anxiety. Participants were 102 athletes in various sports (Mage = 21,57, SD= 2,74). Materials included a battery of self-report questionnaires pertaining to self efficacy and competitive anxiety. As expected, there is a negative and significant regression between self efficacy and competitive anxiety. Further, the results did not show that there was a significant difference on the level of competitive anxiety and self efficacy between individual athletes and team athletes. Although the relationship between self efficacy competitive anxiety is well documented; exploring relative competitive anxiety with other individual factors and special populations like athletes with disabilities may be beneficial to the next researchers.


Athlete, Self-efficacy, Competitive Anxiety


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/pib.v5i3.27632


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