Inovasi Digital: Pemicu Intensi Wirausaha Mahasiswa Universitas Jambi

Heriyani Heriyani, Sahara Sahara, Dahlia Dahlia


This study aims to analyze the effect of creativity, digital literacy, and self-efficacy on the entrepreneurial intentions of Jambi University students. With a quantitative approach using the survey method, this study involved 100 respondents taken from the active student population using a purposive sampling technique. Hypothesis testing using SPSS 25 with multiple linear regression analysis tools. The results showed that creativity, digital literacy, and self-efficacy partially had a significant effect on the entrepreneurial intentions of Jambi University students. In contrast, the results of simultaneous testing showed that creativity, digital literacy, and self-efficacy had a significant effect on student intentions. The R2 test results show that creativity, digital literacy, and self-efficacy affect entrepreneurial intentions by 88.60%, while other variables explain the remaining 11.40%.

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Keywords: creativity, digital literacy, self-efficacy, entrepreneurial intention

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