Characteristick Of Counselors In Cross-Cultural Counseling In The Society 5.0 Era

Rizki Kurniawan, Rizka Ahmad


Cross-cultural counseling is very important when a counselor and counselee come from different backgrounds. As a result, a counselor must understand, be aware of, and show sensitivity to the values generally accepted in society. It is undoubtedly important for both parties to understand each other's culture in cross-cultural therapy. A counselor needs certain traits or qualities to carry out the duties of a counselor in extraordinary cross-cultural therapy. For this reason, it is very important for a counselor to be culturally sensitive, free from prejudice, aware of cultural diversity, and able to adapt to different cultural contexts. This writing was carried out to explain and provide an overview of the competencies, guidelines, challenges, problems and characteristics of counselors in cross-cultural counseling in the era of society which are really needed in the period of society 5.0. This writing uses a library research approach. Based on the writing of this article, it was found that the possibility of counseling success is directly proportional to the extent to which the counselor and counselee share the same perspective on this problem (both psychologically and socio-culturally), and vice versa. The client is understood not only in purely psychological terms, but also as an active part of the culture in addition to being understood in those terms. It is believed that the cultural landmarks clients experience shape their identity, along with their sentiments and experiences.

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