Khairil Anwar


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the results of a measurement comparative between islamic self esteem constructs and Western construct. Self-esteem scale were used for the measurement of constructs sourced from western civilization is one of the most widely measurement tool used in the study of psychology local in Malaysia. The study involved a sample of 490 people consisting of teenagers aged between 15 and 21 years of rehabilitation centers peninsular Malaysia. Using content analysis approach and statistical approach, self-esteem measurement tool has been compared by measuring the psychosocial Islam, which constructs stem from a civilization that feels Qur'an and Sunnah. Through content analysis found that the items contained in the self-respect is closer to the concept of 'ujub (pride) which is very contrary to Islamic principles. While the approach berstatistik- although not signifi- found self-esteem measurement showed a negative direction index (r = -.052) when correlated with measurements of psycho-social Islam. This way the higher meaning of the psycho-social self-esteem lowers the level of an individual. In terms of type and level of misconduct, that the higher levels of delinquency was also a tendency towards mean higher self-esteem. Cons with psycho-social measurement tool Islam, the higher levels of adolescent misbehavior is also a tendency towards psycho-social min lower. The findings are expected to be a psychological assessment movement among Muslims Islam sayugyanya should approach Islam.


Penghargaan Kendiri, Konstruk Barat, Islam


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