Apriori Algorithm through RapidMiner for Age Patterns of Homeless and Beggars

Wirta Agustin, Yulya Muharmi


Homeless and beggars are one of the problems in urban areas because they can interfere public order, security, stability and urban development. The efforts conducted are still focused on how to manage homeless and beggars, but not for the prevention. One method that can be done to solve this problem is by determining the age pattern of homeless and beggars by implementing Algoritma Apriori. Apriori Algorithm is an Association Rule method in data mining to determine frequent item set that serves to help in finding patterns in a data (frequent pattern mining). The manual calculation through Apriori Algorithm obtaines combination pattern of 11 rules with a minimum support value of 25% and the highest confidence value of 100%. The evaluation of the Apriori Algorithm implementation is using the RapidMiner. RapidMiner application is one of the data mining processing software, including text analysis, extracting patterns from data sets and combining them with statistical methods, artificial intelligence, and databases to obtain high quality information from processed data. The test results showed a comparison of the age patterns of homeless and beggars who had the potential to become homeless and beggars from of testing with the RapidMiner application and manual calculations using the Apriori Algorithm.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/ijaidm.v1i2.5670


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