Consumer Opinion Extraction Using Text Mining for Product Recommendations On E-Commerce

Erlina Halim, Ronsen Purba, Andri Andri


This study aims to evaluate consumer opinions in text form on e-commerce to determine the accuracy of ratings given by consumers with opinions using text mining with the lexicon approach. The research data was obtained online using a crawling technique using the API provided by Shopee. The conditions of diverse opinions and use of non-standard words are challenges in processing opinions. Opinion must be processed normalization and repairs using dictionary of words before going to extract using lexicon approach. Dictionary of words contain opinions with weights that are worth 1 to 5 for positive opinions and are worth -1 to -5 for negative opinions. For each opinion will be classified using the maximum ratio of the weight of positive opinion compared to the weight of negative opinion. The classification of opinion produced is positive, negative or neutral. Opinion classification is then compared with the rating classification to work out the extent of accuracy. The comparison produces an accuracy of 80.34% by completing an opinion dictionary.


text mining; lexicon; classification; consumer opinion; e-commerce

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